A Bath Soak for my Allergy Dog

1 comment by Heather Murphy

I never thought that one of my own dogs would reach the state of being a chronic allergy sufferer.  But what every one says that allergies get worse - they morph and change and take hold of any part of the body they can, seems true.


Coco & Bhindi  Eezapet's own allergy dogs I suppose being in the allergy market it is only fair that I have 2 out of 3 dogs that are allergy sufferers... you'll know Coco's story as Eezapet was started for her back in 2014.  But Bhindi the greyhound/staffy cross has now surpassed anything Coco had suffered with.  Thank goodness our No3 Hem the foxie/beardie cross seems hardy with no skin issues whatsoever.

We've had an horrendous time controlling Bhindi's skin and ears and have been dealing with a variety of issues over the last 4-5 years.  We've had days when she has been rushed to the vets when her whole system collapsed.  We've had good days and bad days but researching dog health, natural health and seeking advice from many pet professionals has given me some great tools in managing skin.

With the current management we are happy to say her skin is under control but her ears now flare up.  I mention often in my blogs how an overloaded system just collapses when it all gets too much - and of course with the skin being the biggest organ is usually where it shows. We know Bhindi is sensitive to plants - all plants including grasses. You can read more of Bhindi's story here.

As part of my holistic journey - think of it as treating the body as a whole body where you treat the cause not the symptom - I have found many tips to help the allergy dog and of course you the owner as we know how stressful it can be to have an itchy pet.

If you have an allergy dog - one that has recurring skin issues then I urge you to try the Bath Soak

A Bath Soak for the Allergy Dog

The biggest relief for Bhindi has been the bath soak. As soon as she has one she is relieved, relaxed and her fur feels soft.  This has helped the ear infections and was at one point the only thing that kept her skin on her body when she had major ( and I mean major) flare ups. 

Why a Bath Soak

By soaking in a bath of  Epsom Salts and Baking Soda you help draw out the toxins and correct the imbalance of yeast as both ingredients are detoxifying. An over population of yeasts is often the cause of skin reactions. Epsom Salts is magnesium and Baking Soda acts as the aerator and carrier.

Depending on the severity of the rashes will depend on how often you need to do the soak.

  • The first recommendation is to start off with 2 baths a day - for us this in not possible as Bhindi hates water ( this girl won't even walk in a puddle!)
  • We start off with 1 bath a day and do this for 7 days
  • We then drop down to one bath every 2-3 days
  • Then down to once or twice a week

It all depends on the severity, what you are trying to shift, how quickly it has shifted, how good their skin looks and how they are in their own demeanour.

Interesting enough though after doing the bath soaks for a wee while now Bhindi walks down to the bath on her own accord!  Win, win - she knows a good thing!

How to do a Bath Soak

MEDIUM DOGS: (based on height not weight)

Having a 25 kilogram dog means we do this in a bath tub. Having a smaller dog means you have the advantage of soaking in a sink or tub.

Bhindi - the allergy dog
  • Quarter fill the bath so that the water is around knee deep for the dog
  • It is important to have the water temperature at 37 degrees celsius
  • Add 2 cups Epsom Salts and 2 cups of Baking Soda under running water
  • Add your dog
  • Set a timer for 15 minutes
  • Using a cup pour water over your dogs back constantly for 15 minutes
  • I sit in there with her to get the benefits too
  • Remove your dog - don't rinse off just towel dry

At this point we apply Eezapet to the skin if needed and take her for a walk to help dry her off, with the added benefit that she can't lick the Eezapet off! 


If you have a smaller dog you can use a sink or tub.

  • Fill the sink or tub so that the water level will be over their back
    French Bull Dog
  • It is important to have the water temperature at 37 degrees celsius
  • Add ½ cup Epsom Salts and ½ cup of Baking Soda under running water
  • Add your dog
  • Set a timer for 15 minutes
  • Have the water level over their back or pour over their back using a cup
  • Remove your dog - don't rinse off just towel dry


If you have a severe allergy dog, one with yeasty smells, or skin breaking down I urge you to try the bath soaks daily. As your dog gets better you can drop them down and do as you need.  With us we do daily when severe, then maybe twice weekly or once weekly depending on what is going on.

If your dog is constantly having problems then I highly recommend a bath soak for your dog

Using the combination of bath soaks and Eezapet is great at keeping rashes at

Use Eezapet in combination

bay.  If the skin is flaring up apply Eezapet as soon as you see a rash developing or as soon as your dog is itching again. This will control the spread of the rash.

If you have a yeasty, allergy dog - one that is constantly red, itchy or rashy then try the combination of bath soaks and Eezapet to help heal and soothe the skin.

We've had amazing results using this combination
and would love to hear your results too.


Eezapet and Smack Bang offer you 10% off a Lickimat

To make bath-times more enjoyable for some dogs - a simple solution can be the addition of a suction Lickimat. Stuck to the wall, smeared with peanut butter (or another of your dogs favourite treats) can be enough of a distraction to make bath-time a happy time!

Through our friends at Smack Bang Store we have a discount just for you!

Head to Smack Bang enter code LICKIMAT10

and receive 10% off a style that suits you

Choose either a

 Lickimat Splash

or Lickimat UFO

 Thanks to Smack Bang & Eezapet for making bath-times easier

1 comment

  • Trinity Smith

    I just want to say thank you for all that you do I’ve been try to walk the holistic journey with my new puppy who has horrible allergies found out that she has fabric allergies and seasonal allergies I didn’t know dogs could be allergic to polymer until we changed her bedding to 100% organic cotton and it’s been noticeably different and now finding this to help with her seasonal allergies you’ve saved me thousands of dollars and brought relief to my puppy thank you for sharing this information

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