The Artful Scratcher
Have you noticed the different ways dogs itch and scratch?
Do you have a licker, slurper, thumper, nibbler, rotator, scratcher, ticker or biter?
Often with the itchy dog we hear a tick, tick, tick or a lick, lick, lick or if you have a mastiff a thump, thump, thump as the leg goes crashing to the ground in rotation.
The Artful Scratcher

But if you're itchy you're itchy and relieving the itch in anyway you can is what you will do - same for our dogs.

A dog that is told off for scratching, biting, licking and making noises we didn't know the dog could make will find other ways to relieve their itch.
The Silent Scratcher
Roxy was a hider - she took herself away so she could relieve her itch in peace. In her happy place she bit and licked away at her legs with no one to tell her off.

When a dog does this it is called a 'acral lick' and usually it's the front limbs that are affected. Luckily Alesha had Eezapet and Roxy's deep set wounds were all fixed up in a month.
My own Bhindi has developed the art of the silent scratcher. Very quietly she will nibble away - no slurping for her - and you guessed it we have said 'no' to her noisy itching so she has modified how she relieves her itch.
Our poor dogs we don't mean to tell them off but we find ourselves doing just that when we are stressed.
A silent scratcher can create a mess in a short time as we know how irritating that itch can be.
Stop The Itching
Relieving the itch is what your dog needs.

And that is the reason we have Eezapet. Not only does Eezapet allow your dog to be calm and relaxed but it stops the itching by breaking the itch/scratch cycle. By soothing their skin you are allowing the skin to repair itself.
Try this:
Have you every found a tiny nerve point on your dog that when you touch it the rotator goes (the leg goes crazy) it's their itch reflex
Pop a little Eezapet to that area, wait a few minutes and touch again. The area will be relieved and there should be no itch response.
"A big thanks to Eezapet - it has made such a massive change in my dog he no longer scratches and seems to be totally itch free and at last content, plus it stops my wife and myself from the worry. Pooch suffers from grass allergies,I don't know how many times we have had him to the vets and how many tablets and creams they have tried him with, which have never stopped him scratching. We had been treating him for two weeks now and we have not seen him scratch once." Christopher Peters

So tell us do you have a:licker, slurperthumper, nibblerrotator, scratcherticker or biter?
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